Baby Bunnies – Facts and FAQ

  • Time to read: 7 min.
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    Introduction – Baby Bunnies – Facts and FAQ

    Baby Bunnies

    The baby bunnies have arrived! As a rabbit owner, you might be wondering what to do with your baby bunnies and how to take care of them.

    In this article, we will talk about baby bunny facts and some FAQs about newborn bunnies.

    How do I know if my rabbit is pregnant?

    Generally, a rabbit will be pregnant for 31-34 days before baby bunnies are born. You will be able to tell if your rabbit is pregnant when you see a large lump in her belly.

    When female rabbits pull fur from their abdomen sides, and dewlap to line the nest a couple of days before giving birth you will know that your female rabbit is pregnant. 

    They’re very meticulous about lining up all of those soft hairs in one place so that as they deliver babies into this world the baby’s first touch will be gentle.

    Each time a female gives birth she will have from three to eight babies. Baby rabbits are called ‘kits’ or ‘kittens’.

    Is a nesting box necessary for rabbits?

    Baby Bunnies nest box

    A nest box is an important tool for your pet rabbit. In the wild, mother rabbits would dig a hole in the dirt and make their own burrow to protect themselves from predators as well as inclement weather. 

    But in a mother rabbit habitat, a wood or metal container can do just what they need!

    How big should a rabbit nesting box be?

    A rabbit nesting box should be about 12 inches high and 24-36 inches long.

    What is the best bedding for baby rabbits?

    The best bedding for baby rabbits is hay. Hay is soft and keeps them warm, but it also allows baby rabbits to burrow and hide if they’re feeling scared.

    How long do baby rabbits stay in the nest?

    After about 2-3 weeks of living in the nest, baby rabbits are ready to move around and explore their surroundings.

    Checking the kits

    Baby Bunnies 2

    Because the mother rabbit has to be outside her nests from time to time you are able to monitor the nests without causing any damage.

    Check if everyone is alive and check that the nest is clean and dry. 

    Also, check if all the kits are well-fed, if they have round chubby tummies, then they are well-fed.

    Baby bunny’s growth phases

    Baby Bunnies 3

    Your rabbit’s milk is full of protein and energy that her babies need. They gain up to 24 hours’ worth from just one feeding! 

    It can take your pet a day or two before she comes back, so don’t worry if you notice she isn’t feeding them right away because it may not be until the second night for example when they will get their fill.

    Below you can read about the weekly and daily growth phases of your baby rabbit:

    Week 1

    You will see some pink rabbit kits without fur in the first week. You will notice that they move a bit and sleep most of the time, with an occasional peek at their surroundings or nuzzling up to mom for warmth.

    The third day of the first week is a big event for bunny kits, they’ll have grown enough to start moving around more.

    On the fifth day, the baby rabbit kits will have started growing some rabbit fur and soft fuzz. You may also notice that they start making noises for their rabbit mother to come and feed them.

    10-12 days old baby rabbit

    Your baby rabbits are just starting to open their eyes and will soon have the soft, fluffy fur of a real bunny.

    12-18 days old baby rabbit

    When your new baby bunnies start exploring the world outside of their nest box, they may need a helping hand from you.

    If anyone wanders out before this time always put them back into the nest box, they might have accidentally fallen out!

    Around week 3

    At this baby rabbit growth stage, you’ll start to see more independence from the kits, and with that comes a time of moving on. 

    Takedown their nest box in order to make sure they don’t get infected by some nasty things lurking around those old nests!

    Week 4-5

    The baby rabbits are now nibbling on a mixture of alfalfa and hay pellets. You will notice that they have grown stronger, bigger, in just 23 days! The protein-rich pellets taste better for the bunnies when mixed with water if you like. 

    By day 27, your rabbit has matured enough so it can eat more food than before without feeling too full or bloated from all those extra calories.

    Your baby pet rabbits are getting so big! On day thirty, you can start them on some meadow hay or timothy added up with some pellets. 

    They’ll be more grown-up by the time they reach their 35th day – that’s when it starts to get interesting because they’re starting to play with each other a lot more than they did before.

    Week 6-8

    The time from the 6th week to the 8th week is a very important and delicate transition period for baby rabbits. During this stage, they will prepare themselves to wean off their mother’s milk by starting on some solid food.

    It is advised that you let your babies stay with mom until at least 8 weeks old before separating them so that not only are their digestive systems transitioning properly but also because it can impact how well-developed their immune system turns out to be in adulthood!

    Spay and neuter your rabbits

    Bunnies are cute, furry friends that many pet owners love dearly. However, the problem with this is there can be a lot of unwanted bunnies running around if they aren’t spayed or neutered and some shelters have to deal with overcrowding as well because people don’t always want them in their homes anymore.

    You would help these rabbits by adopting them from your local shelter so you could either give them a loving home where it’s wanted or find someone else who will take care of them for life!

    FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

    Are baby bunnies blind?

    Rabbits are born helpless and dependent on their mothers. 
    With no sight or hearing, they depend entirely upon the mother rabbit to feed them and keep them warm until they are fully developed!

    Do baby pet rabbits die if you touch them?

    Touching baby rabbits is not harmful to them, but when they are very young, it can scare and stress them. 
    Make sure that you have mother rabbits permission before touching her baby!

    How big are newborn rabbits?

    Newborn rabbits are so small they only weigh 1-1.5 Ounces, at 2-3 weeks baby rabbits will still be 3 to 5 ounces!

    How can you tell how old a baby bunny is?

    Baby rabbits’ eyes open at approximately 10 days old. 
    If your baby rabbit’s eyes are open, and it is moving around in small hops that resemble a walk or hopping on its hind legs, then they’re probably between the ages of 10 to 14 days old!

    Can a baby bunny survive on its own?

    A baby rabbit can perhaps survive on its own. But this can cause health problems later on. So it is much better to keep young rabbits with the mother rabbit for 8-10 weeks.

    How long do baby bunnies stay with their mother?

    Baby bunnies stay with their mother for around 8-10 weeks.

    What do you feed a baby rabbit without a mom?

    If baby rabbits are without a mother rabbit then you can feed them with replacement milk.

    What do babies and young rabbits eat?

    Baby rabbits should have milk from the rabbit’s mother.
    Young rabbits should be fed alfalfa pellets and hay-free-choice to provide them with the extra protein and calcium they need as they grow. 
    They, too are able to enjoy a variety of vegetables which is good for their diet.

    Do baby rabbits drink water?

    Young rabbits, up to around 8 weeks old, drink milk from their mother. 
    They may also start drinking water at about 3-4 weeks of age if they are getting a little thirsty and would like something different!

    What vegetables can baby/young rabbits eat?

    Leafy greens are best for rabbits, except for lettuce. Dandelion leaves, carrot tops, kale, and spinach all provide an excellent source of food that is low in calories but high in nutrients to help your bunny stay healthy. 
    Fresh foods need to be introduced slowly so their gut bacteria can adapt to processing the new food!

    How long does it take for baby rabbits to be fully grown?

    Baby rabbits reach full maturity around age 12-14 months.

    For how long do rabbits live?

    Rabbits live for around 12-14 years, but some can even make it up to 17 if they have been cared for very well.


    Bunnies are cute, fluffy animals that make great pets! And while they may seem like a lot of work at first glance, these little guys are actually pretty easy to take care of and can live for up to 17 years with proper care. 

    These FAQs about baby bunnies should help you get started on the basics such as what do baby rabbits eat and how long do they stay with their mother?

    If you need more care tips or other information about rabbits, check out all our other articles which you can find on our site. If you need rabbit care or toy products, be sure to check out our many product reviews and recommendations.

    YouTube Video About Taking Your Rabbit To The Vet